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From Series
Welding Torch
Buried Arc
Scene : welding metals
Weld is a verb and it means to join together (metal parts) by heating the surfaces to the point of melting with a blowpipe, electric arc, or other means, and uniting them by pressing, hammering, etc.
When welding things, there are at least two elements, and to join them, they need certain effect from outside. This also can be said when it comes to relationship between people with disabilities and society. REFREP, to be one of the such effects, is making products with people with disabilities and get ideas from their living.
焊接是两种材料通过加热或加压连接成一体的工艺过程. 焊接字面意思就能联想到融合。在准确一点,主题【融入的状态】=正在焊接的那个瞬间。焊接一定会有主体A和将被焊接的主体B,使他们融合在一起的是高温高压等一个外界的催化。同样如果智力障碍者要真的融入社会,那个外界的催化一定至关重要。
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